Information |
Tribal Data |
This Tribes page is the only one without Tribal data, because we know who we are, don't we?
Instead, this page poses the question, "How much does one know about the us?"
A Woman's Worth |
When the author was in Tunisia during the late 70's, he was approached by an Arab man who offered him eight camels for his wife.
Of course the offer was rejected; nevertheless, the Arab was serious. That should make us all think about a woman's worth.
God the Creator |
So, most of us believe a God created us:
"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
Genesis 1.27
So, that explains how we came into existence; an omnipotent being, no one has ever met or seen, created us. And billions of people believe this, in one form or another, so it must be true, mustn't it? Well, not
everybody agreed, and some had radically differing ideas.
Ræm |
Jack and Jinnie's daughter represents the Ancestors work turning full circle.
Ræm is the product of both their final lines of humanity, the combination of homo sapien and homo erectus.
That she gives birth to Ancestor Idym's daughter,completes the Ancestor's project.
But, will they begin a new project? This we discover in Book Four. |
The Question Remains |
Now we know where we came from. Now we know who we are.
But we still have to discover where we are ultimately going...
The Twelve Tribes |
The Last - homo sapien sapien |
The Last, modern humans; are correctly referred to as homo sapien sapien. Archaeologist are still discovering early human remains, so what do we know for certain?
This page will not describe what we already know about our heritage. Instead, let's focus to those points raised in the first Star Gazer trilogy.
We know who we are, and where we came from ... don't we?
God created us. The Bible, Quran, Tanakh, Torah, Kabbalah, Aramaic texts all tell us so; except each religion or sect, has its own version of this same God. Why?
In the contemporary world, those modern-day prophets who claim |
God has spoken to them, are locked away in a lunatic asylum. It appears, others believed some of them, two and four thousand years ago.
Or perhaps they were sane, and just looking for means to control the greater population, through fear of an omnipotent being that has never once shown itself to an ordinary person, let alone answered their prayers.
Oh dear, then we hit a problem with the earlier religions; the Hindus for instance, used a pantheon of gods, but claim that Shakti is the divine creator of the universe—everything, and Parvati the creator of life on earth; both
are female deities. OK, so that's another way to go.
If we look further back in time, to the first peoples of known history, let us consider the pre-Hindu, ancient Bon, and Chinese myths. These tell of creation, people modeled from mud; ‘and a goddess breathed life into them'.
What is obvious, is that the older religions saw Woman as the creator, whilst the more modern, but not necessarily more advanced, Middle Eastern created religions, worshipped a Man as creator.
In conclusion, this leads to another question: Is this difference simply misogynistic power to control the female, as applied by the male? Sharia Law states, "In order for male pride to be salvaged, the temptress can be humiliated
and terrorised, thus restoring power and dominance to where it properly belongs – the man." Link
By denying women equal status with men, modern religions are denigrating the true creators of life, females, for their male personal esteem and gratification. These issues, and more, are examined in Book Three, Chapter 17,
The Masks of Allegory; abstractly known as, "The Kay."
Charles Darwin asked the same question, and found a different answer, one that shocked the world back in 1859, when On the Origins of Species was finally published. His observations,
when accepted, were often used out of context, a problem that was somewhat rectified in 1871 when he published Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex.
His ideas were not original, but he did the research to prove most of the point. His work was supported by Alfred Wallace, and much later, independently enhanced by Gregor Mendel, a Monk. Further
support came from Jacques Boucher Crèvecoeur de Perthes, who circa 1830, was to become the first palaeontologist. His discoveries were rejected, until 1860, when he began to receive credit.
He was the first to discover Neanderthal remains, and declaring them to be a different species, and not 'odd-looking people', as was the accepted theory of the time.
is an excellent, informative, yet succinct resource in this respect
Charles Darwin
A caricature from 1871 |
But the problem is, that other groups of people, had even more divergent ideas about creation, or how we as a species evolved.
Others adhere to differing creation theories, such as Catastrophe Theory. This was mainly an ill-thought through challenge to the now accepted Darwinism.
The followers have a valid point, up to a point. Why did the dinosaurs die out?
If they had not, we would probably never have evolved. So Earth was struck by a comet or meteor. Now that makes much more sense; but only once? In mid-October 2015, NASA reported a large meteor narrowly missed Earth; the distance
was 170, 000 miles, which in 'space terminology', is extremely close: the distance to the Asteroid belt perhaps. So, not as close as Mars, but much closer to us than Jupiter. Presumably the trajectory was not on the planetary plain.
The Deluge was probably of similar origins, and is one of the very few remembrances from pre-history that virtually all tales of myth and ancient legend, share with one another. The author used it in the books, as accepted fact.
The author relates, "I read Velikovsky's first four books when I was adolescent, and they made an impression upon me, but that is not to say, I do not question some of his unsupported presumptions. However, this book
(right) is a great start for those who retain an open mind. My Editor Susan, from the States, knows of it entitled as, 'When World's Collide'."

This low definition Copyright image used under accepted public domain terms, linked.
"I remember the cover of my hard back was very different, a blue Earth with clouds."
There is probably some truth in all of the above, but, exactly which bits are true? Which need more diligent research, thoughtful appraisal, or interpolation?
Snippets |
Location |
We know where we are located, don't we—all over planet Earth.
Regards our Milky Way Galaxy, we are located in a backwater outer spiral of little worth, or relevance regarding more advanced beings and entities.
Inter-Stellar Distances |
A projection of distances between Earth, including planets, and Alpha Centauri
Please note the distance scale in powers of 10, meaning this image is very wide in reality. Average distance is circa 4.5 light-years.
The Human Condition |
What makes us think we, homo sapien sapien, are so special?
Regards our planet Earth, we have become the dominant species. Why?
We are not the best at any one thing, but we are the smartest. A monkey or squirrel say, may cheat us out of a snack, a bear may drive us from a picnic, but when serious about a threat, we exterminate it.
We are killers. We kill for food, and we kill for fun. Perhaps not personally, but some of our kind do, hence poachers in Africa, and endangered species.
Use of tools |
One thing we tend to pride ourselves on, is our use of tools. However, we were not the only Hominini to do this; homo sapien erectus were the first to invent fire, almost half a million years ago.
Other animals and birds also use tools, but without the deductive though processes hominini employ.
Changing the Environment |
Apart from using tools and being very good at killing other creatures, one thing that humans do much more than any other creature, is change their environment to suit themselves. This is often at the expense of mammalian
One could argue a beaver does this, but humans do it on a much more diverse and far larger scale.
Intelligence |
The key factor that sets humans apart from other life on Earth, is intelligence.
We must hope we are the most intelligent life form in our galaxy.